Women at the Well

May 18, 2024 8:30 am  |  PT South

56 Magazine Street, Cambridge, MA, USA

In ancient times (and in many places in the world today) women spent large parts of their day at wells, drawing water for their families, meeting a significant physical need. But these wells were also gathering spaces, providing much-needed community and relationships.

This retreat will serve as a modern-day “well” for women—a gathering place to encourage one another, take an honest look at the challenges we face as women, and experience the God who invites us into a process of spiritual transformation. We’ll spend the day with Hagar, our Biblical sister whose story gives us great hope. An enslaved outsider, Hagar is seen only as a potentially fertile servant. Her enslavers never even call her by name. Yet God sees Hagar and God sees each of us. God meets Hagar at a well and invites her into a history-changing process of transformation. God offers us this same transformation. Join us at the well for a day of fellowship, prayer, Bible study, and guided spiritual disciplines.

Click on the button below to sign up! We can’t wait to meet you at the well!