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Lent @ PT

Day 13 | A Second Time to Die

David Pierre

Meanwhile a large crowd of Jews found out that Jesus was there and came, not only because of Him but also to see Lazarus, whom He had raised from the dead. So the chief priests made plans to kill Lazarus as well, for on account of him many of the Jews were going over to Jesus
and believing in Him.

John 12:9-11

Many of us know who Lazarus is or we’ve heard the story about Jesus raising him from the dead. Lazarus was sick and in need of Jesus’ help, his sisters called upon Jesus but He purposely came a few days late, after Lazarus had already passed. His reasoning? He wanted to show everyone what God is truly capable of. Side note – remember when things feel so dire and you can’t overcome? Jesus can always bring us back! He is not limited by our earthly boundaries but that’s a devotion for another day.

When Jesus arrived and Lazarus was brought back to life, the people were amazed and began to believe in Jesus. Word spread and it wasn’t long before the Pharisees and chief priests heard about what had been done. In that moment, there was no truer evidence of Jesus being Lord, than the resurrection of Lazarus. At that time, they decided to condemn Lazarus to death so that Jesus’ works would not take hold and bring others to Him.

In today’s devotional, I want to discuss the enemy’s plan for us when Jesus is working in our lives.

When Lazarus arose, I bet the last thing he was thinking about, was that he now had to die again because his friend Jesus had saved him. He had a new lease on life, he was with his family and friends, he was on cloud nine! He didn’t do anything to anyone other than just breathing again. However, his new life was a powerful sign to others, including the enemy, of the authority of God. It showed how Jesus had the power to overcome anything in life, even something as final as death. And because of that, Lazarus was now a walking testimony. Whether he spoke to others about it or not, Lazarus’ life, his story was now a testimony to Jesus’ power.

Brothers & sisters, we are like Lazarus. Dead without Jesus’ touch but alive at His command. And when we’re brought back, our lives, our stories, are a walking testimony to Him. When we talk to people and interact with them, we should be a testimony to the Lord Jesus’ power and dominion over our lives and the lives of everyone. But like Lazarus, the minute we are brought to life again, the enemy has condemned us to death. We are now in a daily battle to retain our new lives and overcome the strongholds set upon us. So like Lazarus, let us rejoice and praise the name of Jesus for our new lives but let us not forget that we’re on a hit list and each day is going to be a fight. Let’s fight for the Lord. Let’s fight for His kingdom. And let’s remember during this season that death could not hold him down, He is the risen King! Amen!

Prayer: Thank you Jesus! Thank you that because You rose again we now have a new lease on life in You. Thank you that we continuously overcome our battles with the enemy because You fight for us. Please grace us with stamina and endurance to stay in the race! Amen