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Lent @ PT

Day 40 | 7 Last Words IV

For three hours, beginning at noon, darkness came over the earth. About three o’clock, Jesus shouted with a mighty voice in Aramaic,  “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?”—that is, “My God, My God, why have you turned your back on me?”
Mark 15:33-34 (TPT)

Noon through 3pm is when the sun is brightest, but an unusual darkness fell over the land. In the midst of our trauma, our pain, our despair, it might look like there’s no light, even when it’s daytime outside. We might feel abandoned and alone, betrayed by those who are supposed to be there for us.

I’m here to remind you that Jesus felt the same way – and He cried out to His Father! Do not be afraid to let God know exactly how you feel at any given moment! He has been through it too. Just know that He hasn’t abandoned you. He is a good God, and everything He does is good. The psalmist tells us in Psalm 34:4-6, “Listen to my testimony: I cried to God in my distress and he answered me. He freed me from all my fears! Gaze upon him, join your life with his, and joy will come. Your faces will glisten with glory. You’ll never wear that shame-face again. When I had nothing, desperate and defeated, I cried out to the Lord and he heard me, bringing his miracle-deliverance when I needed it most.”

When he had sipped the sour wine, he said, “It is finished, my bride!”  Then he bowed his head and surrendered his spirit to God. 
John 19:30 (TPT)

Honestly, the entire devotional could just be “It is finished!” and for this season, that would be enough.

Judgment for your sin – it is finished
Your affliction – it is finished
Your despair – it is finished
Your pain – it is finished
Anything & everything that hinders you from living the abundant life God has for you – It. is. Finished.

As we get ready to celebrate His resurrection, remember that the work Christ did for us on the cross is complete, finished, final.

Then Jesus cried out with a loud voice, “Father, I surrender my Spirit into your hands.”  And he took his last breath and died. 
Luke 23:46 (TPT)

In the hands of the Father is the best place to surrender our spirit. When the toiling is over, when the day is done, when we’re done striving, there’s nowhere else to go but into the arms of our Father.

Jesus modeled this for us; after all the pain and torture He went through, when He was done working, He committed His Spirit back to the one who sent Him. Let us always remember to run back to our Father!

Prayer: Thank you God for Your hands that hold us!

Thank you so much for journeying with us these past 40 days. We hope you have been as blessed, inspired and recharged by these devotionals as we have. As we get ready to celebrate His resurrection, we want you to reflect on this verse,

“What a God we have! And how fortunate we are to have him, this Father of our Master Jesus! Because Jesus was raised from the dead, we’ve been given a brand-new life and have everything to live for, including a future in heaven—and the future starts now! God is keeping careful watch over us and the future. The Day is coming when you’ll have it all—life healed and whole.”
1 Peter 1:3-5 (MSG)

Thanks be to God for the new life and hope we have because of the Resurrection! And with great anticipation we look forward to the Day when we will have a “life healed and whole.”

If at any time you would like to re-read a devotional, visit for access to all the previous entries.

If you would like to rewatch any of the videos we sent out this, they can be found in this Youtube playlist: Lent at PT.

For any kudos, feedback or comments, send an email to

Once again, thank you!!!

Yours in Christ,
Creative Team