Bible Study

The mission of bible study is to impart a deeper understanding of God’s Word (the bible), foster Christian growth and empower believers to disciple others.


Live well. Love well. Serve well. Well done! (Matthew 25:21)

“The Well” Bible Study is where we meet together to learn from Jesus (John 4) as He speaks to us through the Scriptures. Our teachings at The Well are based on PT’s beliefs, which are summarized below.

Consider the following. The Apostle Paul wrote that each Christian believer is a “temple” in whom the Holy Spirit dwells (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). Maybe you’ve heard this idea before. Jesus used similar imagery and taught that each believer is like a “well” of the Holy Spirit (John 4:1-14, John 7:37-39). In this way, a Christian is similar to a natural well of water. In Jesus’s day, people depended on water wells for refreshment. The strongest, longest-lasting water wells were lined on the inside with stone bricks. And the bricks provided structural reinforcement, preventing contamination and collapse.

Today, the strongest, “longest-lasting” believers are also lined on the inside with “bricks”. These “bricks” are sound teachings from the bible, which provide us with spiritual reinforcement. Biblical teachings help us to mature as Christians and ensure that we, like water wells, can also serve and refresh other people. In this way, the Holy Spirit can use us to help restore broken lives, which is the mission of PT.

We are LIVE every 1st and 3rd Tuesday @ 7pm

Meeting ID: 870 3836 5312
Password: biblestudy

+1 646 558 8656 US OR
+1 301 715 8592 US
Meeting ID: 870 3836 5312
Password: 460943

Plug In

Our teaching team at ‘The Well’ uses PTCB (PT’s web portal) to communicate with Bible Study attendees. It’s quick and easy to sign up with PTCB and join our group (Tuesday Evening Bible Study). Once you’ve joined, you’ll have access to notes from previous and upcoming classes, notifications about future events, homework assignments, etc.

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