We believe that a thriving Christian community is built on a solid foundation of healthy marriages. After all, the first human community God created was a marriage – Adam and Eve. The first miracle Jesus performed was at a wedding – Cana. And the Bible teaches that human marriage is supposed to be a picture of our relationship with Christ – He as the bridegroom and the Church as the bride. Godly marriages take a lot of work but with God’s help and loving support from other church members we can grow into Godly spouses that love, honor, and serve our spouses in the name of Christ. We hope you’ll join us for some or all of our upcoming programs. In the meantime, please know that we are praying for you and your family.
Ministry Offerings

Marriage Retreat
This is our biggest and most important event of the year. Our annual retreat typically occurs on the weekend closest to Valentine’s Day and goes from Friday night until mid-day Sunday. One of the most important aspects of this retreat is that it highlights to your spouse that you are willing to invest time and energy to actively work on your marriage. That’s no small thing! While at the retreat, you can expect to engage in extended Bible study, worship, participate in dynamic workshops addressing topics specifically related to marriages, enjoy fellowship time with other Godly couples, and most importantly, have extended time with your spouse to check in and work on your marriage. We also always make time for a special dinner on Saturday night!
Click the button below to view a list of books the Marriage Ministry team recommends for couples