Young Adults

Fan Into Flames

Fan into Flames is a young adult ministry focused on igniting, equipping and deploying young adults to carry the gospel boldly throughout the world.

Ministry Activities

We are so excited to have you join us! Continue reading to find out more about what our ministry has to offer.


Young Adult Bible Studies on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month, at PT North and on Zoom from 7:00pm-9:00pm.

Our bi-monthly bible study provides a safe space for college students and young adults to dive into the Word together, pray with one another, and continue to grow spiritually.

Meeting ID: 848 6747 7374
Passcode: 125979


Young Adult Service on one Friday each month, at PT North and on Zoom from 8:00pm to 10:00pm.

Our monthly services are opportunities for college students and young adults to spend more time in the presence of God. These services include prayer, worship, a powerful word and fellowship.

Meeting ID: 878 1938 9992
Passcode: youngadult


Our monthly socials are fun events or workshops for college students and young adults to build community, create friendships, and equip them with the tools needed to carry out their purpose.

Connect with us to receive notifications of activities and events!


Volunteers keep our Young Adult ministry running! Click on the button below to join a wonderful group of people working behind the scenes and at the front to ensure that God is shared with PT’s young adults.

Social Media

Check out our Instagram page to see what we've been up to and follow us to keep up with us!


Catch up on our past services and Monday night bible Studies! Subscribe to our channel to get notified when new videos have been posted.

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