21-Day Consecration

March 23 - April 13

Our 21 days of consecration have begun which involves the spiritual disciplines of prayer & fasting. Remember, the objective is to hear from God! We encourage you to include abstaining from social media, TV, movies—anything that would hinder you from hearing the stillness of the voice of the Holy Spirit.

How should you fast?

We encourage every person at Pentecostal Tabernacle to select the type of fast they would like to complete from the list below:

  1. Daniel Fast (see details below)
  2. Simply skip one meal per day, and then eat what you want for the remaining meals. For instance, if you normally eat lunch, skip lunch and eat what you want for the remainder of the day. If you typically skip one meal however (ex: breakfast), then you should skip two meals during the fast (breakfast and lunch or breakfast and dinner). Be sure to stay hydrated!
  3. Liquid Fast which is liquids (water, juice, etc) only.
  4. Any combination of numbers 1 through 3 during each different week.


Daniel Fast

Include these foods in your diet:

  • Fruits: these can be fresh, frozen, dried, juiced or canned
  • Vegetables: these can be fresh, frozen, dried, juiced or canned.
  • Whole grains
  • Nuts and seeds: this includes nut butters
  • Legumes: canned or dried
  • Quality oils: including but not limited to olive, canola, grape seed, peanut, and sesame
  • Beverages: spring water, distilled water or other pure waters
  • Other: tofu, soy products, vinegar, seasonings, salt, herbs and spices

Remove these foods from your diet:

  • Meat and animal products
  • Dairy products
  • Sweeteners: including sugar, raw sugar, honey, syrups, molasses, and cane juice
  • Leavened bread: (contains yeast and honey) and baked goods
  • Refined and processed food products: including artificial flavorings, food additives, chemicals, white rice, white flour, and foods that contain artificial preservatives
  • Deep fried foods
  • Solid fats: including shortening, margarine, lard and foods high in fat
  • Beverages: includes coffee, tea, herbal teas, carbonated beverages, energy drinks, and alcohol


If you have a known or suspected physical disability or illness, please do not fast except in consultation with, and under the supervision of, a qualified doctor. Pregnant or nursing mothers should not fast food or drink as it could negatively affect the health and development of their baby and their own personal health.